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Kenya Kiri AA

Kenya Kiri AA

Candied Orange Jasmine Black Cherry

This lot of AA size coffee from the Kiri washing station has a bright citrus and jasmine flavor profile characteristic of the finest washed African coffees, but is not without the deep, purple fruit flavors that make it unmistakably Kenyan. We find it makes a wonderfully complex cup of filter, and has potential to be a very rich, syrupy espresso as well.

Regular price $27
Regular price Sale price $27
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About This Coffee

Flavors: Candied orange, jasmine, black cherry
Sourced from: Kirinyaga, Kenya
Elevation grown: 1522 Meters
Producers: Smallholder farmers
Varietals: SL28, SL34
Harvested: 2024
Process: Washed

Kiri Washing Station serves 1,400 members in the Kirinyaga County, in a mountainous area that provides an ideal cool climate and diversity of terrain for coffee growing, while still being only a 20 minute hike from the member farms. The Kiri area is so ideal for coffee that it experiences two separate harvests, which is fairly rare.

Kirinyaga, Kenya

Like all other Kenyan coffees, this is a day lot made up of many smallholder farmers' crops. The Kenyan coffee system forbids direct relationships with producers and mandates that all coffees are processed by cooperatives and sold by licensed exporters. This unfortunately dilutes individual crops' terroir and disincentivizes agronomic improvements, but highly prioritizes processing quality. Washed Kenyan coffees are immaculate, very clean-tasting.

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