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Guatemala Santos Perez Ramirez

Guatemala Santos Perez Ramirez

Santos Perez Ramirez is a bright and refreshing Huehuetenango coffee, with peach and apricot flavors and a nice, light body that keeps you coming back to the cup. 

Santos is a member of the ASDEFLOR association, the source of many of our Guatemalan coffees this year. A tiny collective of Mam Mayan indigenous producers in Huehuetenango, coming together to sell to specialty coffee markets has allowed them to no longer rely on subsistence farming maize and frijol or migrating to the US to work.

Santos differs from other members of ASDEFLOR by processing his coffee himself, using his own wet mill. He de-pulps the coffee the day it’s picked and lets it ferment in covered concrete tanks for up to 3 days, possible because of the cold nights and high elevation. No herbicides are used on Santos’ farm, instead relying on weeds and green plants to retain nutrients in the soil, as well as attentive pruning to fight off fungus and reusing coffee pulp as fertilizer. 


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