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Ethiopia Tariku Kare

Ethiopia Tariku Kare

Tariku Kare’s coffee shows there are still new frontiers in coffee’s homeland of Ethiopia. Tariku operates in Nensebo woreda, a new coffee growing region in Oromia with its own wild varietals and dizzying elevations. This lot from his station exhibits flavors of pineapple upside down cake, with a very clean body that allows more delicate notes of lemongrass and chamomile to shine through.

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About This Coffee

Flavors: Pineapple, Lemongrass, Chamomile
Sourced from: Sidama, Ethiopia
Elevation grown: 2200 METERS
Producers: 593 smallholders
Varietals: Heirloom
Harvested: 2024
Process: Washed

Sidama, Ethiopia

Nensebo is about 400km west of Addis Ababa, and has about 5,000 hectares of coffee planted by hundreds of farmers. The average farm is only 2 hectares, and grows a local mix of varieties, including wild ones originating in native forests. Crucially, the elevations are extremely high, with some farms reaching up to 2,200 meters above sea level, all but guaranteeing the pleasant acidity we love in washed coffees.

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