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Ethiopia Gore Dako

Ethiopia Gore Dako

With a fruited cup profile of peach, watermelon and a dash of lavender, Gore Dako is an exceptionally well-structured washed process coffee from Agaro Province.

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About This Coffee

Flavors: Peach, watermelon, lavender
Sourced from: Agaro, Ethiopia
Elevation grown: 2000 Meters
Producers: Smallholder farmers
Varietals: Local landraces
Harvested: 2024
Process: Washed

Agaro, Ethiopia

We have long carried many Agaro coffees, which are known for many qualities, but most of all a remarkably long shelf life that means these coffees will transform as we serve them over the coming months. The exact mechanics of how this happens aren’t quite understood: Agaro coffees arrive with ideal water activity and moisture, are processed with state of the art equipment, and are delivered from harvest as fast as possible, but so are most, if not all of our other coffees, and Agaro coffee outlasts them all. It’s truly a mystery.

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