Colombia Ildefonso Cordoba Pink Bourbon
Colombia Ildefonso Cordoba Pink Bourbon
Milk Chocolate
Ildefonso is the seed sorcerer of the Los Guacharos association, propagating varietals like the bourbons that are dominating the Colombian specialty market nowadays and distributing them amongst his community. This is his pink bourbon lot, anaerobically fermented and washed, exhibiting no perceptible “funk” typically associated with anaerobic coffees. To us, it has a strawberry and guava jammy fruit profile, with a silky body and sweetness that reminds of milk chocolate.

About This Coffee
Flavors: Strawberry, guava, milk chocolate
Sourced from: Huila, Colombia
Elevation grown: 1800 Meters
Producers: Ildefonso Cordoba
Varietals: Colombia
Harvested: 2024
Process: Washed