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9 Swans Seasonal Coffee

9 Swans Seasonal Coffee

Caramel Cherry Chocolate

9 Swans is a rotating single origin coffee roasted to be excellent prepared both as espresso or a more developed filter brew. We select the coffees as they come into season to meet a richer flavor profile, with more caramelized sugars and slightly muted acidity compared to our other single origin coffees.

Unlike many other house espresso coffees, 9 Swans is always a single origin coffee that retains it's sense of terroir; it's a high quality and sustainably produced coffee that we're proud to serve.

Our roasters profile 9 Swans to be well developed, meaning it's always easy to brew. As a result, 9 Swans makes a consistently tasty espresso or cup of filter, with or without milk.

Regular price $23
Regular price Sale price $23
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About This Coffee

Flavors: Caramel, cherry, chocolate
Sourced from: Nariño, Colombia
Elevation grown: 1750 - 2000 Meters
Producers: El Tablón de Gómez Community
Varietals: Caturra, Colombia, Castillo
Harvested: 2024
Process: Washed

The current selection is from the Tablón de Gómez community in Nariño, Colombia, which has a deeply rooted tradition of ecological protection. All producers preserve part of their farm as untouchable forest. They also leave native plants untouched in places where waterways originate, and keep livestock out of those areas. The producers here focus primarily on coffee, intercropping with other fruit trees that they use for shade like avocado and lemon. They are hyperaware that climate change is a real problem and that as it worsens, their community and others like it will bear the earliest and most severe consequences.

Nariño, Colombia

Nariño is a special place to love coffee – it is geographically, climatically and culturally very distinct from neighboring states, and the cup profiles are no less unique. Rich volcanic soils and an Andean climate (meaning a truly distinct harvest season where the rest of the Southern states are picking coffee all year round) make this a one of our favorite places to buy coffee. Producers are largely smallholders, there’s great biodiversity, soils are nutrient rich and well-drained, and we consistently purchase sweet and complex coffees here.

See the farm on map